Simití is a municipality in Colombia in the department of Bolívar located 584 kilometers from Cartagena. It is located in the Middle Magdalena. Simití or Chimití, which means "Much land", is surrounded by the homonymous swamp.

Simití was founded on April 1, 1537. The region was inhabited by the Tahamies Indians. In the mid-nineteenth century it began to be inhabited by settlers in search of grazing land. In 1933 it was considered a municipality of Bolívar. Simití is one of the municipalities that made up the extinct province of Mompós, and is located on the border with the department of Santander. The head of the municipality is located three leagues inside the left bank of the Magdalena River, on the banks of the swamp of its name.

In Simití the patron saint festivities are celebrated, between December 13 and 16, in honor of the original virgin, an image that was mysteriously found in the San Lucas mountain range in the Central Cordillera. This meeting is recognized regionally and departmental for its cultural expressions, religious manifestations, the reign of sympathy and the presentation of various musical groups.

There are also different festivities such as the San Simón festivities: In the distance you could hear the tum tum of the drums and the multitude of people who came down, dancing around a leafy tree decorated with a thousand colors and lit candles, the party spirit grew. of the Simiteño people and the streets were adorned with pilanderas dances, mojigangas and many other traditions that were rooted in Simití: Simón's mother, the boat, the costumes, the shells and the dead man.

A legend of the festivities of San Simón and the carnivals is Don Severiano Ortiz Rincón and a group of people who used to dress up and go out through the main streets of this town to cheer them up.


Simití. Recuperado de


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